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品掌故 话中医 Traditional Chinese Medicine in Allusions

来源: 发布时间:2020-08-10 14:54:18








The theme of this week's reading is "Traditional Chinese Medicine in Allusions", an MOOC course from Henan University of TCM, which explains the culture of traditional Chinese medicine through allusions. This time, we invited our teacher Chen Chen, who graduated from this school, too. He introduced the subject characteristics and learning process of TCM preventive medicine to us. In recent years, Traditional Chinese medicine has been questioned. However, it has served Chinese people for thousands of years and has a strong vitality. Mr. Chen hopes that people can discard their prejudices and have a deeper understanding and take a more objective and comprehensive view of TCM. This course gives us a good opportunity to study TCM. Students have a lot of harvest.

In this course, we have expanded our knowledge and learned many idioms and allusions of medical scholars. These stories depict the long and difficult road of studying medicine, and reflect the historical background of medicine at that time. Based on the course, our class teacher also popularized the knowledge about depression.

This course will not only expand our theoretical knowledge, but also provide us with many practical health tips. Chrysanthemum wine and porridge can be healthy and nourishing. "Eat radish in winter and eat ginger in summer". "Pear moistens lungs, liver brightens eyes, ginger drives out cold". The good use of medicine is to play a proper role the daily ingredients and herbs. TCM also stresses the regulation of Yin and Yang. It promotes a healthy attitude towards life, such as eating regularly, living regularly, avoiding improper labor, and keeping calm and quiet.

This course tells us how to be a good doctor, too. First of all, there must be superb medical skills. Only by studying medical skills for three years can they heal and save people. This requires doctors to have a good professional foundation. Doctors should be resolute and careful in operation, and to be flexible and standard.

As a doctor, superb medical skills are far from enough. They also need noble medical ethics. In ancient times, many famous doctors, such as Zhang Zhongjing, were scholar-physician. In modern times, Sun Yat-sen, Lu Xun and other litterateur also studied medicine. Scholar-physician take the lives of all the people in the world as their duty. This is the responsibility of scholar-physician. The doctor can’t enjoy good food and music in patients’ home, because the patient's pain did not stop. This is the doctor's humanistic care.

Our teacher said that traditional Chinese medicine is "easy to get started but difficult to learn well". Different prescriptions should be prescribed differently, which requires doctors to read ancient books widely and attach importance to learning and practice. No matter what kind of medicine it is, we can use it as long as they are able to treat their patients. The efficacy of TCM acupuncture and massage has been recognized. In the process of national self-reliance, this traditional skill should be more standardized and scientific. We should also carry forward TCM, so that it will no longer decline.

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