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我院举办“合理膳食,免疫基石”手绘作品大赛 "Reasonable Diet, Immune Cornerstone" Hand-painted Works Competition was held in our college

来源: 发布时间:2020-05-26 08:36:04




On May 22, 2020, six excellent works, which participated in the "Reasonable Diet, Immune Cornerstone" hand-painted activity, were selected through the WeChat public platform in our college. So far, this hand-painted works contest has ended successfully. This competition is in line with the national nutrition week recently held. It aims to publicize nutrition knowledge, makes more people realize the importance of reasonable diet, and improves people's health literacy.

The main content of this activity is to collect the contestants' hand-drawn works and vote for the winners through online selection.The students showed great enthusiasm for this activity and actively participated in it. After three days of voting, six students came out on top. Among them, Wu Yifei won the first prize and the best popularity award. Jiang Yinan and Tang Tian won the second prize. Fan Ningfei , Zhang Yuxi and Fu Yujin won the third prize.

The successful holding of this activity not only enriched the students' extracurricular life, but also promoted the nutrition knowledge. At the same time, it called on more people to pay attention to a healthy diet, through a reasonable diet, improve immunity, prevent the occurrence of diseases, and realized the importance  of disease prevention.  

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