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来源: 发布时间:2020-05-10 19:27:23




In order to fully implement our school's measures on epidemic prevention and control, improve and improve the emergency response mechanism for major public opinion, standardize the procedures for handling emergency public opinion, and improve the timeliness of public opinion work, at 4 pm on May 9, 2020, our hospital The class 18 prevention team used the Tencent conference platform to convene a conference on "Further Conducting the Education and Training of Epidemiological Knowledge", which was led by Xu Guangping, the monitor. The content of the meeting includes the study of two guidance documents, "Preparation of Emergency Response to Emergent Public Opinions of Qingdao University" and "Compilation of Important Contents for the Prevention and Control of the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic in Qingdao University", using this learning opportunity to help students in the class master the new crown Pneumonia related knowledge, protection requirements and precautions for returning to school.

First, by the Qingdao university major sudden public opinion emergency disposal plan, familiar with our major public opinion about the sudden emergency response plans of working mechanisms, including public opinion monitoring report mechanism, and to public opinion early warning mechanism, emergency disposal mechanism, public opinion outreach coordination mechanism, familiar with sudden major emergency disposal process of public opinion, and to do early warning, rapid response, classification, treatment, dynamic tracking, summarizes the evaluation. Schools each unit to timely collect information on real, prepared to respond to treatment, once found sudden major public opinion, should be in accordance with the principle of fast and smooth traffic report, double step by step and request, fill in the major public opinion report in time, will report the school major sudden public opinion disposal work leading group, in charge of the school. At the same time, we will immediately launch contingency plans, set up special working groups, hold meetings, and formulate and implement emergency response measures. Strict confidentiality laws and regulations, such as news propaganda discipline regulations to strengthen the management of Internet media and on the basis of the guidance, according to different situations in different ways to deal with, timely response to disposal measures, after the major public opinion is eliminated or leveled off, the relevant units and departments should timely summarize, comb, reflection, continuously improve the working mechanism of perfect. On this basis, the students learned the flow chart of emergency management of Qingdao university's sudden major public opinion in the meeting, and further mastered the emergency management method. In addition, the plan calls for enhancing initiative, improving timeliness, strengthening team building, and taking the initiative to do a good job in public opinion.

  By learning the compilation of the important contents of covid-19 epidemic prevention and control in Qingdao university, students further learned the basic knowledge of the main manifestations of covid-19 and the prognosis of patients, and mastered the methods of personal prevention of covid-19, including proper wearing of masks, seven-step washing and proper use of disinfectants. The process of students returning to school and the safety management measures after returning to school, the centralized isolation process and other aspects of the content are also fully explained in the study. In addition, the meeting also stressed the need to pay close attention to the mental health of students, including timely understanding of the physical and mental health of the class, publicity of mental health knowledge, the organization of a variety of anti-epidemic online activities, psychological mutual assistance and other work.

下一条:我院学生苏志磊被青岛市总工会授予 “青岛市五一劳动奖章”荣誉称号
