1. 人源益生菌分离和应用
2. 肠道微生态及营养调控
3. 人体消化道模拟及营养评价应用
1. Campbell C Linda; Yu Renqiang; Li Fengzhi; Zhou Qin; Chen Daozhen; Qi Ce; Yin Yongxiang; Sun Jin*. Modulation of fat metabolism and gut microbiota by resveratrol on high-fat diet-induced obese mice, Diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity: targets and therapy,2019,12:97
2. Ding Mengfan; Qi Ce; Yang Zhenyu; Jiang Shan; Bi Ye; Lai Jianqiang; Sun Jin*. Geographical specific composition of cultured microbiota and Lactobacillus occurrence in human breast milk in China. Food & function. 2019, 10(2), 554-564.
3. Xia Shu-Fang; Qiu Yu-Yu; Chen Li-Mei; Jiang Yu-Yu; Huang Wei; Xie Zhen-Xing; Tang Xue; Sun Jin*. Myricetin alleviated hepatic steatosis by acting on microRNA-146b/thyroid hormone receptor pathway in high-fat diet fed C57BL/6J mice. Food & Function, 2019, 10(3): 1465-1477.
4. Qi Ce; Sun Jin*; Li Ya; Gu Min; Goulette Tim; You, Xiaomeng; Sela David A; Wang Xingguo; Xiao Hang. Peyer's patch-specific Lactobacillus reuteri strains increase extracellular microbial DNA and antimicrobial peptide expression in the mouse small intestine. Food & function, 2018,9:2989-2997
5. Sui Zifang; Qi Ce; Huang Yunxiang; Ma Shufeng; Wang Xinguo; Le Guowei; Sun Jin*. Aqueous extracts from asparagus stems prevent memory impairments in scopolamine-treated mice.Food & Function, 2017,8:1460-1467
6. Qi Ce; Li Ya; Yu Ren-Qiang; Zhou Sheng-Li; Wang Xing-Guo; Le Guo-Wei; Jin Qing-Zhe; Xiao Hang; Sun Jin*. Composition and immuno-stimulatory properties of extracellular DNA from mouse gut flora. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2017,23: 7830-7839
7. Wang Panpan; Li Ya; Xiao Hang; Shi Yonghui; Le Guo‐wei; Sun Jin*. Isolation of lactobacillus reuteri from Peyer's patches and their effects on sIgA production and gut microbiota diversity. Molecular nutrition & food research, 2016,60: 2020-2030
8. Sun Jin#; Hu Xiao-Li; Le Guo-Wei; Shi Yong-Hui. Inhibition of Fe-induced colon oxidative stress by lactobacilli in mice. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013, 29:209-216
9. Sun J#; Hu X‐L; Le G‐W; Shi Y‐H. Lactobacilli prevent hydroxy radical production and inhibit Escherichia coli and Enterococcus growth in system mimicking colon fermentation.Letters in applied microbiology, 2010, 50: 264-269
10. Sun Jin#; Zhou Ting-Ting; Le Guo-Wei; Shi Yong-Hui. Association of Lactobacillus acidophilus with mice Peyer's patches. Nutrition, 2010, 26:1008-1013
11. Sun Jin#; Le Guo-Wei; Hou Li-Xia; Wang Nai-Fu; Chang Gui-Fang; Shi Yong-Hui. Nonopsonic Phagocytosis of Lactobacilli by Mice Peyer. Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition, 2007, 16: 204-207
12. Sun J#; Le G‐W; Shi Y‐H; Su G‐W. Factors involved in binding of Lactobacillus plantarum Lp6 to rat small intestinal mucus. Letters in applied microbiology, 2007, 44: 79-85
3.一种用于辅助降血糖的组合物,ZL201310131554.0, 第二发明人
2.代谢综合征防治功能成 分的制备关键技术、活性评价及其应用,科技部十二五科技支撑技计划项目,30万,2012-2015,主持子任务.
5. 健康人有益菌的分离、鉴定和功能研究. 广州菲勒生物科技有限公司委托项目,50万,2017-2019,主持
6. 益生菌组合物体外调节腹泻婴儿肠道菌群的研究.杭州索契健康科技有限公司委托项目,20万,2018-2019.主持
7. 葵花籽功能活性成分分析及抗抑郁活性研究. 洽洽食品股份有限公司委托项目,30万,2018-2020,主持