1. 金属元素与神经退行性疾病。①利用生态流行病学的方法证明中国大陆地区土壤中金属元素铁、铜、砷含量与阿尔茨海默病死亡率之间的存在正相关关系,为铁、铜、砷参与阿尔茨海默病的病因提供了新的证据。②采用动物实验阐明铅对血-脑脊液屏障转运Beta-淀粉样蛋白的影响及RAGE、LRP1蛋白在其中的作用。③采用动物实验阐明维生素E通过激活CHRM1和KCNJ4基因对锰诱导的多巴能神经元损伤发挥保护作用。
2. 脑肠肽与神经退行性疾病。证明脑脊液中nesfatin-1(一种新发现的脑肠肽)含量降低能够诱导黑质纹状体系统损伤,提示nesfatin-1在维持中脑黑质纹状体系统生理功能中发挥作用,并阐明nesfatin-1通过C-Raf-ERK信号通路拮抗MPTP和MPP+诱导的多巴胺能神经元线粒体损伤。
1. Song RH, Chen HH, Zhan RQ, Han MM, Zhao LZ, Shen XL*. Vitamin E protects dopaminergic neurons against manganese-induced neurotoxicity through stimulation of CHRM1 and KCNJ4. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2024 Jan:81:127326.
2. Zhang F, Wang H, Cui YX, Zhao LZ, Song RH, Han MM, Wang WJ, Zhang DF, Shen XL*. Association between mixed dioxin exposure and hyperuricemia in U.S. adults: A comparison of three statistical models. Chemosphere 2022:135134.
3.Wang H, Cui YX, Zhang F, Song RH, Zhao LZ, Han MM, Shen XL*. Association between urinary phthalate metabolites and hyperuricemia in US adults. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int . 2023 Jan 12.
4. Chen HH, Li XL, Ma H, Zheng W, Shen XL*. Reduction in nesfatin-1 levels in the cerebrospinal fluid and increased nigrostriatal degeneration following ventricular administration of anti-nesfatin-1 antibody in mice. Frontiers in neuroscience. 2021,15:621173.
5.Wang XX, Li XL, Xing YF, Wang WJ, Li SY, Zhang DF, Zheng W, Shen XL*,Threshold effects of total copper intake on cognitive function in older adults and the moderating effect of fat and saturated fatty acid intake, Academy of nutrition and dietetics. 2021 Dec;121(12):2429-2442
6. Shen XL, Xia L, Liu LQ, Jiang H, Shannahan J, Du YS, Zheng W*. Altered clearance of beta-amyloid from the cerebrospinal fluid following subchronic lead exposure in rats: Roles of RAGE and LRP1 in the choroid plexus. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2020 Mar 8;61:126520.
7. Li XL, Zhan RQ, Zheng W, Jiang H, Zhang DF, Shen XL*. Positive association between soil arsenic concentration and mortality from alzheimer’s disease in mainland China. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2020 Jan 8;59:126452.
8. Shen XL,Yang HZ,Zhang DF,Jiang H*,Iron concentration does not differ in blood but tends to decrease in cerebrospinal fluid in Parkinson’s disease,Frontiers in neuroscience,2019,13:919.
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10. Shen XL#, Jia FJ#, Song N, Xie JX, Jiang H*. Protection of MES23.5 dopaminergic cells by obestatin is mediated by proliferative rather than anti-apoptotic action. Neurosci Bull, 2014, 30(1):118-124.
11. Shen XL, Yu JH, Zhang DF, Xie JX, Jiang H*. Positive relationship between mortality from Alzheimer’s disease and soil metal concentration in mainland China. J Alzheimers Dis, 2014, 42(3):893-900.
1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,82171570, Nesfatin-1基于脑肠轴参与帕金森病发病的机制研究,54万,2022.01—2025.12,第1位。
4.中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2016M592145,脑肠肽nesfatin-1对帕金森病模型的保护作用及机制研究,2016.01-2017.12, 5万元,在研,第1位。