1) 学术论文
1. Chen J, Liu Y, Wang Y, Ding H, Su Z*. Different Effects of L-arginine on Protein Refolding: Suppressing Aggregates of Hydrophobic Interaction, Not Covalent Binding, Biotechnol Prog, 2008, 24(6):1365–1372.
2. Chen J, Liu Y, Li X, Wang Y, Ding H, Ma G, Su Z*. Cooperative Effect of Urea and L-arginine on Refolding of rhG-CSF in Vitro, Protein Expr Purif, 2009, 66(1):82–90.
3. 陈净,刘永东,李京京,苏志国*. 液固层析辅助蛋白质从变性态恢复到活性态, 化工学报, 2006, 57(8):1802–1808.
4. Liu Y, Zhang G, Li J, Chen J, Wang Y, Ding H, Su Z*. Identification of an oxidative refolding intermediate of recombinant consensus interferon from inclusion bodies and design of a two-stage strategy to promote correct disulfide bond formation, Biotechnol Appl Biochem, 2007, 48(3):189–198.
5. Liu Y, Li J, Wang F, Chen J, Li P, Su Z*. A newly proposed mechanism for arginine-assisted protein refolding--not inhibiting soluble oligomers although promoting a correct structure, Protein Expr Purif, 2007, 51(2):235–242.
6. Wang F, Liu Y, Chen J, Su Z*. Chromatographic refolding of proteins: molecular action and column control, China Particuology, 2005, 3(6):337–342.
7. Chen J, Liu Y, Wang Y, Su Z*. Large Scale Refolding and Purification of Recombinant Human Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (rhG-CSF), The International Conference on Exploring the Frontier of Nano, Bio & Pharmaceutical Technology, Tianjin, 2006/09.
8. 陈净,刘永东,李京京,苏志国*. 肝癌膜相关抗原HAb18G胞外区片段的纯化和复性研究, 第二届化工年会, 北京, 2005/11.
9. 陈净,刘永东,王仁伟,马光辉,苏志国*. 聚乙二醇-多孔聚(甲基丙烯酸环氧丙酯-二乙烯基苯)微球作为蛋白质复性介质的应用, 第三届化工年会, 广西南宁, 2006/11.
一种由廉价乳酸钠经多步偶联生物转化制备高价值唾液酸的方法, ZL200410024222.3,第二发明人.